OHI ProCast

OHI ProCast

Revolutionize Your Practice and Improve Patient Outcomes with Next-Gen Scanning Technology

The OHI ProCAST is a cloud-based solution that integrates your mobile device and office computer seamlessly. Capture 3D scans for your patient's custom orthoses and easily manage your orders with our computer dashboard. This centralized system enables streamlined order management, collaboration between team members, and the faster delivery of custom-fitted orthoses that meet the unique needs of your patients.

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State-of-the-Art Diagnostic Tool

GaitScan is an innovative diagnostic tool and digital casting device allowing practitioners to analyze patient biomechanics and order custom orthotics. With 4096 sensors and a scan rate of 300Hz, GaitScan is the industry leader in dynamic scanning capability. GaitScan provides a comprehensive biomechanical evaluation for each patient and provides in-depth reports with access to over one million data points to assist in effectively diagnosing & prescribing orthotic solutions.

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