Factors that may cause the order form to abruptly close:

  • Fusiformcast version is not up to date.
  • iPad storage is full.
  • iPad battery is low.
  • iPad iOS is not up to date.

The following are steps that may resolved the issue:

  • The first step in the troubleshooting process is always a hard restart of your iOS device. iOS needs a hard restart to be able to recognize the application properly again. Instructions to restart your device: Restart your iOS device

After the hard restart, additional steps to try to resolve the issue:

  • Confirm you are on a current version of the Fusiform Cast app.
    • Click HELP in the fusiform Cast app to show Version information the fusiform Cast version should be the latest 4.1.3 version, if not proceed to update.

Check updates


  • Verify you are on the current iPad ios version.
    • Check iPad ios version if required to be updated then proceed to update.

Check version


  • Confirm your iPad has storage capacity.
    • If low, delete some media or app.
    • Free Space at least 4GB.

Check storage


  • Sign out and sign back into the fusiform cast application to refresh the order forms.


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